Finding value in the void

Finding value in the void:

I will begin answering my dissertation by reviewing different sources that depict people’s ideal interpretations of life in space, and will outline the factors of life on Earth that are important to people and therefore should be retained in space architecture. For example, one of these factors would be a connection to the green landscape we have built up around us – mostly a delusion of true nature. This is the idea of farmland being natural for example.

‘If we can’t go and find nature, we will bring nature to us. We can simulate natural aspects we don’t experience in real nature, only live in a picture of it.’

(Mensvoort and Grievink, 2012, p.10)

The purpose of this is to evaluate the value of imaginative space design in order to see what aspects would be favourable to have with us in extraterrestrial life. In addition, it creates the opportunity to potentially to see what we value most here on Earth and give architects a chance to focus on these things.

‘People can’t anticipate how much they’ll miss the natural world until they’re deprived of it’

(Roach, 2010, p.34)


Different imagery analysis –

outline the factors of life on Earth that are important to people

why should this be included and taken to space