Contact – Carl Sagen movie

Contact. (1997). [film] Directed by R. Zemeckis. United States: South Side Amusement Company.


The movie explores the disjointed approach towards a higher being through the scopes of religion and science. It grapples with the complexity’s of geopolitics, religous and scientific groups in humanity’s pursuit for higher meaning and purpose.


Proof that we need purpose:

Palmer Joss – “I couldn’t imagine living in a world where God didn’t exist. I wouldn’t want to.”

Dr. Eleanor Ann – “How do you know you’re not deluding yourself? For me I need proof.”

Palmer Joss – “Proof. Did you love your father?”

Dr. Eleanor Ann – “What?”

Palmer Joss – “Your dad. Did you love him?”

Dr. Eleanor Ann – “Yes. Very much”

Palmer Joss – “Prove it.”


Palmer Joss – “Our job was to select someone to speak for everybody. And I just couldn’t in good conscience vote for a person who doesn’t believe in God. Someone who honestly thinks the other ninety-five per cent of us suffer from some form of mass delusion.”


Humans are not ready to meet extraterrestrial beings – The destruction of the first vessel and the lack of transparency between the governments of the world and the people they served, is evidence enough of this.

She asked the congressional comitee formed to investigate her claims to accept her testimony on the basis of faith.

By the end of the film, it shows religion and science are two sides of the same coin. Science and religion seem to have been at odds with each other at the beginning of the film, but by the end, they seem to arrive at the same place.

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